As salam, bagus blog teme ni. Saya dah baca dari awal sampai sini. Sbb x boleh tidur... i’m not aware about teme until just recently, n able to read siri jalanan.. inspiring stories of teme - the ‘hero’, the successful, the kids and the junior. Pelukis jalanan tu paling best sebab terasa jujur. Terima kasih sebab didn’t stop to share stories of us, and make it full of meaningful thoughts. Your recent post declared that you’re having health issue, and I hope whenever and whatever happened, Allah kuatkan Teme and lighten your burden. I know sometimes, the gift is powerful, and always, with the power, comes great responsibility. You win until now and hopefully till the rest of your life. Really admired the young Teme and your drawings for this post is quite awesome. Ustat tu cantik lukisannya. Sebelum ni, bila scrolling your IG and FB, feel like, ‘untungnya Teme’, tapi posting blog ni show the real you. Bukan senang nak jadi Teme, and maybe, takkan jadi mcm Teme sebab x mampu nk buat pilihan yang Teme buat. Actually nak bagi encouragement je kt teme, jadi luahan pula. Apa2 pun, semoga perjalanan teme terus dipandu, melalui liku2 kehidupan dalam rahmat dan kasih sayangNya. Bak kata Ebit Lew, Allah sayang, Allah bagi ujian. So far, ujian Teme antara yang paling menarik utk dijadikan contoh anak-anak zaman sekarang.
Hai. It's me, Teme. I'm sorry if you have to go through word verification before posting comment(s). I received tonnes of spam comments lately. I had to turn the word verification on 😕. I'm sorry. Jangan jemu untuk komen tau!
i likee!! xD
BalasPadamnice drawing. huhu. jum tgk m&m's beraksi.
kalu paham.... syukur :)
BalasPadamwahh..bermakna..dgn lukisn yg comey.
BalasPadambole la gunakan dlm kehidupan :)
BalasPadambyk gak mse ko nk lukis2 neyh..haha :)
BalasPadamxperlu mase yg lame... 30 min sudah cukup kot :)
BalasPadami like!! :D
BalasPadamsyukur :)
BalasPadamstail r ko lukis....bgos2
BalasPadamtak sangke..kadang2 kt sankge ape yg blaku...
BalasPadambest.mesej sampai :)
BalasPadamsyukur :)
BalasPadamlike !
BalasPadamsuke ustaz ! cool + steady :D
BalasPadamyou really got 'inspired' by Nayzak right? you should put credits on him.
BalasPadamsangat sempoi !!!
BalasPadamAde kat sekolah ni, tapi tampar....bukan tumbuk...
BalasPadamAs salam, bagus blog teme ni. Saya dah baca dari awal sampai sini. Sbb x boleh tidur... i’m not aware about teme until just recently, n able to read siri jalanan.. inspiring stories of teme - the ‘hero’, the successful, the kids and the junior. Pelukis jalanan tu paling best sebab terasa jujur. Terima kasih sebab didn’t stop to share stories of us, and make it full of meaningful thoughts. Your recent post declared that you’re having health issue, and I hope whenever and whatever happened, Allah kuatkan Teme and lighten your burden. I know sometimes, the gift is powerful, and always, with the power, comes great responsibility. You win until now and hopefully till the rest of your life. Really admired the young Teme and your drawings for this post is quite awesome. Ustat tu cantik lukisannya. Sebelum ni, bila scrolling your IG and FB, feel like, ‘untungnya Teme’, tapi posting blog ni show the real you. Bukan senang nak jadi Teme, and maybe, takkan jadi mcm Teme sebab x mampu nk buat pilihan yang Teme buat. Actually nak bagi encouragement je kt teme, jadi luahan pula. Apa2 pun, semoga perjalanan teme terus dipandu, melalui liku2 kehidupan dalam rahmat dan kasih sayangNya. Bak kata Ebit Lew, Allah sayang, Allah bagi ujian. So far, ujian Teme antara yang paling menarik utk dijadikan contoh anak-anak zaman sekarang.
BalasPadamSangat bermanfaat tapi kelako laa gigi tu. 😂😂😂😂 hahahhahaha terhibur.
BalasPadamComel je, tapi cm teruk je kene bantai 😂😂
BalasPadamkelakar but tekejut bile ustaz tu ckp " kan awak yg lukis saya " HAAHAHAH
BalasPadamthe real menghilangkan stress seorang student
BalasPadam(2024) 😂😂😂😂😂 i love this... lama tak gelak mcmni..😂😂maaf lah teme.. tgelak tgk teme kene tumbuk