Assalamualaikum.. :D
- i'm not encouraging u to hate them or to cause a war...
- i'm not talking about who is winning this argument...
- i'm not trying to win the muslims or vice versa...
- i'm talking about humanity...
- i'm trying to show you multiples perspectives of the meaning of TERRORISM..
BalasPadamperghh. hebat teme. teruskan dakwah! we olwes b with u okkkay
BalasPadami like...hehehe
BalasPadamvery niceee~~
BalasPadamcam ad pengalaman je.. bagus3..
i like :)
ni based on movie ape?
BalasPadamgreat one..
BalasPadamsblom ni teme dh lletak name movie tu...
BalasPadamtp rasenye xperlu ltak kot.. sbb overall movie tu mmg biased kpd kafir..:)
i'll draw till the last drop of ink..
till the last drop :)
pakai pen..... =.="
kurbaan?? the hindi/tamil movie?? cool~
BalasPadamkita kena kaji jugak berapa banyak Allah guna perkataan 'perang' dalam al-Qur'an? sebab jihad x hanya bermaksud perang.
BalasPadam9/11 tu creation dorang jugak. or should I be specific.. the Jews?? sebab xde sorang Jews pon yg mati dalam insiden tu. x rasa pelik ke??
history is repeated itself...don't you think? sebab dari dulu lagi musuh2 Islam akan cuba hapuskan Islam??