
Finally repent?

not to scare you... but this situation keep on haunting me..

kita sama2 doa agar sempat "sedar" sebelum terlambat... a reminder for MYSELF and my beloved muslim friends...

alhamdulillah.... he finally repent.... but...

think about it :)
muhasabah diri dear viewers.....
relaks!... islam is easy.. :)

11 ulasan:

  1. biar kita banyak menangis di dunia , kelak di akhirat , kita dilimpahi rahmat ALLAH . insyaALLAH , semoga ALLAH sentiasa memberi rahmat kepada manusia yang saling memberi nasihat yang baik kepada manusia yang lain...

  2. the man who decided to change on 12th hour dies on the 11th..-hlovate,contengan jalanan

  3. sebelum mata terpejam rapat,best kalu dapat rasa nikmat taubat..

  4. i am so liking this post . thank you teme

  5. the man who decided to change on the 12th hour dies on 11th

  6. cmnt dalila zaini ngan cion same! hahahahah!

  7. faero... i was wrong too.. and till now i still repeating the same mistake..
    these post is actually reflects me :)

  8. teme, mohon share gambar yang second tu boleh? untuk berkongsi dengan kawan-kawan yang lain.. mudah-mudahan Allah memberkati teme, amin..


Hai. It's me, Teme. I'm sorry if you have to go through word verification before posting comment(s). I received tonnes of spam comments lately. I had to turn the word verification on 😕. I'm sorry. Jangan jemu untuk komen tau!