
even KIDS understand it !!

Assalamualaikum.. :)
got the idea from an article... i hope the message is clearer in doodles...

moral :
  • dont judge the book by its cover...
  • open your eyes....
  • and dont wait for your son/daughter to be like this to change you...
hakikatnya... zaman skarang.. keluargalah pihak yang paling rumit utk kita berdakwah...

spread the HUMANITY :)

its been a few weeks before i publish this post...
i got the idea for this post from facebook and i made it short and a doodle version of the story..

once upon a time in a hospital....

the meaning of
*innalillahiwainnalillahirajiun (إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون) ="To Allah we belong and onto Him is our return"
a few hours later..
spread the humanity..
don't be selfish..
and be nice to people eventhough people treat you badly.. its the best way of "punishment" (hahah!)

think positive, be positive, and let them think "how the h*** u always being happy and peace"

yeahhhh!!!! :)